Kroger Community Rewards
Blue Ridge Animal Rescue and Sanctuary is a participant in the KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS Program.​
If you're a Kroger shopper, sending money our way is as easy. Simply follow the instructions below:​
1. You must have a Kroger Plus Card Number, available at any Kroger Store or online.​
2. Sign into your account if you’re a current card carrier, or create an account at the Kroger Community Rewards site.​
3. Under the My Account Tab, Look for the Community Rewards Button and Click. Search for Blue Ridge Animal Rescue and Sanctuary or by No. AP588​
4. Select Blue Ridge Animal Rescue and Sanctuary in the list of organizations, then click ENROLL​
5. That's it! Every time you shop at Kroger and use your card or Alt ID number, you help us earn money!​